Preparing Your Yard
Kill any existing vegetation with RoundUp™ or equivalent. (At least one week before laying sod.)
4"- 6" of good top soil is recommended. If your existing soil is of good quality (less than 50% sand or clay) you can choose not to purchase additional top soil. Rototill or spade the new top soil into your existing lawn or the top 6" of your existing lawn to loosen it up.
Remove any stones, sticks, roots and debris; then rake to level for your final grade. Dead vegetation may be left in the soil as long as it is in small pieces. Soil grade should be 1 - 1 1/2 inches below any sidewalks or paved areas.
OPTIONAL (for best results)
Purchase a soil testing kit from your local lawn and garden store. If the soil has a low pH (acidic), an application of lime will help. It is a good idea to test the pH of your soil every three years.
Apply a starter fertilizer on the soil and rake it in.
Installing Your Sod
Sod must be installed the SAME DAY it is delivered or it may die.
Start with a straight line like your driveway, house or sidewalk. Stagger each piece of sod like brickwork. Make sure the ends fit together, but DO NOT OVERLAP.
For best results, after sod is laid, roll the sod to ensure it is completely touching the soil beneath.
Thoroughly soak the newly laid sod until the water penetrates the top 6" of soil. Use sprinklers to ensure even watering.
Avoid heavy traffic during the first 2 - 3 weeks to allow roots to knit into soil.
Watering Your New Lawn
Your new lawn relies on sprinkling for water until the roots are firmly knitted in the soil. For the first 2 - 4 weeks, keep the sod moist at all times. The top 6" of soil should be penetrated. Once the sod is firmly knit into the soil, you can revert to a regular watering schedule. How often your lawn needs to be watered can only be determined by your specific lawn. Make sure the water is getting to all you new sod, do not forget the corners and edges. Areas by buildings may also require extra water, as buildings reflect heat and these areas of your new lawn will dry quicker then others. We also recommend watering your new lawn in the morning when winds are generally low and the temperature is also lower, causing less water loss due to evaporation.
Use care when first mowing your new lawn until it is firmly knitted into the soil. The basic rule is to never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade. The ideal height is 3 inches. This height helps grass win out over weeds and be more resistant to drought and pests. Consistent mowing with a sharp blade also protects your lawn. Mulching the clippings is best; they will break down quickly, enriching the soil, but not causing thatch.
Your new lawn would benefit from a starter fertilizer. The starter fertilizer can be raked into the soil before you lay the sod or spread on top of the sod after it has been put down. We recommend fertilizing 4 to 5 times a year, using the holidays as a guide 1st on Easter, 2nd on Memorial Day, 3rd on the 4th of July, 4th on Labor Day and the 5th time on Halloween.

Your lush green backyard paradise is just a roll away!